Profile Creation/Updates
How do I create my profile?
To create your profile, click Create New Student Profile, set a username and password. For assistance, contact us at 217/351-2235 or communityeducation@parkland.edu.
What type of profile should I create?
Consider these profile options:
1. Student Profile: Ideal for individual users who won't be registering other family members.
2. Household Profile: Designed for those responsible for registering family members, including children. If you plan to register others in your household, create a household profile. You can choose which members to register for each class, and all communication is emailed to the primary account holder’s email.
Can my Student Profile be changed to a Household Profile?
Yes, simply contact us at 217/351-2235 or communityeducation@parkland.edu to convert your profile to a household profile.
How do I update my profile and/or change my password?
To update your profile or change your password, sign in and select: Menu > My Profile > Edit Profile at the top. After making your updates, scroll to the bottom and click Submit to save changes.
What if I forgot my password?
If you forgot your password, click Forgot your password? on the sign-in page to reset it. For further assistance contact us at 217/351-2235 or communityeducation@parkland.edu.
Is there a minimum age for students in classes?
For class registration, those 15+ can generally enroll in adult classes, while those under 16 require instructor approval. For inquiries, contact us at 217/351-2235 or communityeducation@parkland.edu.
When are registration fees due?
Registration fees are due when you register. To secure your registration, safely pay online with your credit or debit card.
If your registration is covered by an employer or agency, they may use a company card or request to be invoiced by completing the Third Party Sponsorship Form. If you have questions, please reach out to us at 217/351-2235 or email communityeducation@parkland.edu.
How will I know if I get into a class?
If you register yourself online, you will be able to see whether there is still space available in a class. Once you complete the necessary payment information, you are registered and will receive an email confirmation within 24 hours.
If you register by mail or phone, you will receive confirmation after we process your registration and payment.
Can I register for a class that is full?
If a class is full, you can add yourself to a class waiting list by signing in online and selecting "Add to the Waiting List.” If an opening becomes available, we will contact you to offer the spot.
Where can I get directions to my classlocation?
Date, time, and location of your class is found in your class confirmation email. You can view this information in your account. Login > Menu > My Profile > Current Registrations.
How do I print a receipt?
To view or print a receipt: Login > Menu > My Transactions > Locate the class for which you need a receipt. > click Action > choose Print View.
Can a class be cancelled due of low enrollment?
Yes, if a class has insufficient enrollment, we may need to cancel it. In such cases, we'll notify you before the scheduled start date. You'll have options for a full refund, a credit for future use, or the opportunity to transfer to another class, subject to availability.
Refund Policy
For most classes, refunds are provided to those who officially withdraw from a class at least one business day before the class start date. No credit will be issued for classes dropped on or after the class start date. To withdraw your registration, please contact us at 217/351-2235 or email communityeducation@parkland.edu.
Please note that some classes have varying cancellation/refund policies. For instance, certain Youth classes may have a 1-2-week refund window, and Trips may require two weeks.
Class Changes and Cancellations
Community Education strives to adhere to a class’s schedule. Nevertheless, we retain the right to modify or cancel classes as needed, without prior notice. In the event of this, we will make every effort to notify the registrants. If a class is cancelled, all registrants will receive a refund or the option to transfer to an alternative class section. Please note that any class changes will be promptly updated on our website.
Inclement/Severe Weather
Parkland College closures and cancellations are announced on local radio, television stations and College social media channels, and on www.parkland.edu. We will make every effort to reschedule affected classes.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee promises that if you're not fully satisfied, we'll enroll you in a course of equal value or provide a full refund. Contact us within ten business days of course completion at 217/351-2235 or email communityeducation@parkland.edu.
Release Waiver
Parkland College assumes no liability for accidents that occur while participating in classes and provides no funds to cover medical costs. Participants are reminded that participation is entirely voluntary and are strongly urged to have their own health insurance. It is understood that participation is voluntary, and Parkland College is not responsible for injury or accidents and all liability against them is waived.
Parkland College is committed to protecting your privacy online. All personal information is kept strictly confidential and will not be shared with a third party for any reason. We may use the information collected to contact you regarding course information, promotional updates, new course information, or upgrades to the website. You may unsubscribe from these promotions, at any time by using the "unsubscribe" link in the footer of any promotional email. Also, we do not store your payment information on our website.
Accessibility Statement
If you believe you have a disability for which you may need an accommodation (i.e. use of assistive technology or other classroom assistance), please contact the Office of Accessibility Services, Parkland College room U260, 217/353-2338 or accessibilityservices@parkland.edu.