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Series:Intermediate CNC Router Topics With VCarve Pro

Once you've learned the basic operation of the CNC router and feel comfortable using VCarve Pro to create signs and cut out parts, try something new. Allan Tuchman takes you through several topics to improve your designs and expand the benefits of your CNC router. Topics include inlays, the V-inlay technique, 3D toolpaths, incorporating existing 3D relief models and clip art, vector and node editing tools, and half-tone photo VCarves. Requirement: Introduction to CNC Router or equivalent experience with VCarve software. These classes will have discussions and presentations, show real-world projects, and demonstrate the techniques presented using VCarve Pro software. These are not hands-on classes, and no projects are made in these classes.

Key Details

Tuition:  $96.00

Materials Cost:  $0.00

Schedule Information

Class Name (Course #/Class ID) Location Start Date Class Schedule
3D Relief Carving, Clip Art, and Molding Toolpath (WCE-628 /16060) Community Education 05/14/2024 Weekly - Tue 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM; starting 5/14/2024, ending 5/14/2024 (New lessons are released None specified)
CNC Inlays (WCE-628 /16059) Community Education 05/07/2024 Weekly - Tue 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM; starting 5/7/2024, ending 5/7/2024 (New lessons are released None specified)
Designing With Text to the Max (WCE-628 /16061) Community Education 05/21/2024 Weekly - Tue 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM; starting 5/21/2024, ending 5/21/2024 (New lessons are released None specified)
Intermediate Design in VCarve (WCE-628 /16058) Community Education 04/30/2024 Weekly - Tue 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM; starting 4/30/2024, ending 4/30/2024 (New lessons are released None specified)